Meraki Health Centre

Heads and Hands

Head & Hands strives to promote the physical and mental well-being of youth. Their approach is preventative, inclusive, non-judgmental, and holistic, with a fundamental commitment to providing a supportive environment for youth experiencing marginalization(s). Services include: Information and referrals, health services, legal services, social services, young parents program, food pantry, community workshops.

Polyclinique-réseau Pointe-aux-Trembles

Medical clinic that offer without appointment registration and other services.

Polyclinique Rosemont

Medical clinic without appointment all clientele.

Polyclinique Masson

Medical Clinic with walk-in appointment.

Polyclinique Levasseur

Medical Clinic with walk-in appointment and other services.

Polyclinique de l’Oreille Saint-Leonard

Clinic that specializes in audiological treatments and testing.

Polyclinique Cabrini

Medical facility with a wide range of professional, medical and paramedical services.