
Community organize to offer and provide services adapted to the needs expressed by adults with severe and persistent mental health problems associated with legalization and or homlessness.

Relax-Action Montreal

Community organisation that welcomes and supports adults living with mental health problems.

Bikers Against Child Abuse – Montreal Quebec Chapter

Works in conjunction with local and state officials in place to protect children, by taking a stand against all forms of child abuse, through various interventions.

Compensation to Victims of Crime – Indemnisation des victimes d’actes criminels

IVAC is a compensation plan that provides victums and rescuers with benefits to help them recuperate from injuries and support.

Information and Support Center for Victims of Sexual Harassment at Work

Individual and group intervention for men and women 18 years or older who are victims of sexual harassment at work.

Montreal Sexual Assault Centre

Medical care and follow-up, individual counselling for victims, survivors and loved ones, 18 years and over.


Individual evaluation sessions, group therapy, training and supervision for men who use abusive behaviours.

Réseau d’intervention auprès des personnes ayant subi la violence organisée

Psychotherapy services and support to survivors of torture and other forms of political violence.

Sexual Assault Centre of the Students Society of McGill University

Volunteer run organization funded by McGill University. Its mandate is to provide support for survivors of sexual assault as well as their families by providing a safe pro survivor, feminist, anti-racist, anti-colonial, anti-ablest, anti-classist, queer-positive, trans-positive, pro-sex worker, and anti-oppressive organization.

Rue Action Prévention Jeunesse

Non profit organization that helps adoscents, young adults from cultural communities in the North of Montreal living with psychosocial problems through community action and street work.