Apathy is Boring Ambassadors

About the position: 

The goal of the RISE program is to build a community project that bridges the gaps in civic participation for our less engaged peers. Ambassadors are the creatives, researchers, designers & do-ers behind the projects taking place in each city. With support from the local program coordinator, you will collaborate with the other youth in your hub and various local leaders to develop and execute a project that serves your community.


  • Be 18-30 years old
  • Live in or near one of our hub cities (Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa, Halifax, Winnipeg, Edmonton, Calgary, or Vancouver)
  • Available March 11th to June 21st, 2025
  • Commit 3 hours of in-person hub night on a weekday night, plus 3 hours of additional tasks
  • Attend a mandatory, in-person retreat from April 11th to 13th
  • Attend a mandatory, online wrap-up June 21st
  • Complete 120 hours total to complete the program

Apply Here

Volunteers Needed! Centre Communautaire Bon Courage: Food Baskets

Centre Communautaire Bon Courage in Montreal’s Saint-Laurent borough is seeking volunteers to support their food basket program each Thursday! You can help in the preparation of food that gets distributed to families and households in Saint-Laurent that need it most. The tasks are as follows:

  • Thursday mornings: People needed to help load loading donated food into vans at Moisson Montreal (6880 ch. de la Côte de Liesse, H4T 2A1)
  • Thursday afternoons: People needed to help prepare food baskets before distribution at Centre Bon Courage (2-155 pl. Benoit, H4N H4C)

If you are interested in volunteering – and making a huge impact in the community! – please contact Centre Communautaire Bon Courage by email or by sending a message through Facebook

Internship/ Volunteer Position