Bâtir Son Quartier

Social Economy enterprise that coordinates the implementation of housing and community real estate projects in order to create supportive living environments for low and middle income households.

Canada Mortgage And Housing Corporation

Organisation that helps people find affordable housing and a stable housing finance system to support all Canadians.

En Marge 12-17

Emergency shelter, short-term stay, activities and follow-up for youth between the ages of 12 and 17.

Entre-Maisons Ahunstic

Non-profit community organization responsible for various community interventions with low-rental housing in the Ahunstic neighborhood.

Maison Oxygène

Short and medium term housing, accompaniment, support and activities for men experiencing conjugal difficulty.

Office Municipal d’Habitation East Sector

Advisory service for seniors looking for a retirement home.

Office Municipal d’Habitation Montréal

Improve the living conditions of low-income individuals and families by offering quality services and housing for Ahunstic-Cartierville Borough.

Régie de rentes du Québec

Ensures that the administration and operation of pension plans is in conformity with the Supplemental Pension Plans Act.

Services Communaitres pour les Réfugiés and Immigrants

Community organization whose purpose is the adaptation, installation and integration of newcomers into Quebec society.

Revenu Québec

Collects income taxes and consumption taxes to ensure the financing of public services and to administer various social programs.